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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Understanding Types of Jobs Are at High Risk of Asthma Triggers

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that is usually accompanied by wheezing. Genetic factors and air pollution could be a cause of asthma. One study found that certain jobs may also increase the risk of worsening asthma.

A new study found that exposure to chemicals in the workplace causes many cases of asthma, especially for plumbers, workers who work with spray paint and a hairdresser.Researchers in Sweden found that many workers are exposed to toxic substances while doing their jobs even though they have used the recommended protective equipment.

The international study involving more than 13,000 adults in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Estonia. Cases of asthma is one of the most common diseases in adults. Research shows, the total incidence of the new cases was 1.3 cases of asthma than 1,000 men and 2.4 cases of asthma than 1,000 women.

Researchers have recently reported online in the Annals of Hygiene Work that seven per cent of asthma cases among women and occurs in up to 14 percent in men, related to the places where they work.

"To be able to work proactively, it is important to point out where the substances in the workplace that increase the risk of asthma and where jobs are high risk," said Linnea Lillienberg, a researcher at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, in a university news release, as reported by

This study revealed the following workers are at greater risk for developing asthma due to exposure to toxic chemicals that are in the workplace, such as the following:
  • Workers exposed to spray paint called diisocyanate compounds contained in the paint
  • Plumber who handles adhesives and foam insulation
  • Washing job who make contact with detergents
  • Health and social service workers who use latex gloves and exposed to detergents
  • Food and tobacco industry workers who are exposed to certain proteins
  • Hairdresser who handle chemicals used to whiten
  • Workers beauty nail glue
Some people are more susceptible than others," added Lillienberg. "For example, people who are allergic to pollen will be more frequently exposed to asthma if they are exposed to proteins from plants and animals. But if we look at people who do not have a high degree of vulnerability, the risk was greater among those exposed to epoxy and diisocyanate, which found in glue, varnish and plastic foam. Among women who did not have a pollen allergy, the risk increases especially among those associated with the detergent.

According to the results of a study involving 7500 adults in the UK are known 16 percent of participants suffering from asthma caused by the work environment. Profession risk of causing asthma in adults is a hairdresser at the salon, the farmer, or the employees of printing which is always exposed to the chemicals. But this study does not prove that the nature of work a person can trigger the development of asthma.

Asthmatic condition will get worse due to be exposed to the allergen daily. Eg hairdresser who is always in contact with hair dye, the risk of worsening asthma will increase up to 2-fold. Farmers who are often in contact with pesticides or chemical fertilizers 4-fold risk of developing asthma. While employees are always printing inhaling polluted air and ink chemicals each day will increase the risk of worsening asthma to 3-fold.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Miracle of Garlic for Bronchial Asthma Symptoms Treatment

Asthma is not just suffered by the adults. Research shows that about 80% of asthmatics are toddlers. Would have imagined, how fragility of a child suffering from asthma. Heredity is one reason why children can develop asthma at an early age. Recurrence was triggered by allergies suffered by the child. How to cure asthma in infants is certainly a bit different from adults. This is due to their growth and development are rudimentary.

Asthma sufferers often can not be separated from the inhaler and medicine physicians who sometimes must be redeemed at a price which is not cheap. In fact, if you look into the kitchen there are herbs that can be used as your asthma herbal therapy, and no less effective than chemical drugs in pharmacies.

Mentioned by, one kitchen herbs that can be used to cure asthma is garlic. Have having in mind that the most common herbs could actually relieve asthma? Garlic is known as a natural antibiotic and ekspetoran. When an asthma attack, often mucus glands in the airways produce thick mucus that causes blockage of airflow. Well, as natural ekspetoran, garlic Majur to relieve these symptoms.

The content of this ekspetoran able to dilute phlegm or mucus that hangs in the lungs or airways. Actually, this mucus produced by the body to remove the germs and viruses that enter the body. However, the amount of mucus that is too much, such as in patients with cough, colds, and asthma, should immediately be removed so that your body can more quickly recover the respiratory tract.

So, when an asthma attack, there is no harm if you try to make soup and lots of onions to enter into it. The heat of the soup can make you more comfortable chest, and the content of onions can dilute phlegm and mucus. So, you can breathe easier. Good luck.

Monday, July 20, 2015

The Cause of Factors and Prevention Asthma in Childhood

Asthma is the leading cause of chronic disease in young Anka and also a major cause of the arrival of the children under five to the ER. Asthma can disrupt a child's life, both in terms of school and social life that causes children can not enjoy school and could not play. Children with asthma often feel you can not do all the things they want to do. Sports, outdoor activities, lessons, dancing, playing certain musical instruments, as well as active and just have fun needs to be done carefully.

Cause Asthma In Children

  • Difficult to determine the things that cause asthma attacks and experts still continue to do research on this. Some experts connect events with allergic asthma. as well Kulti disease eczema and asthma is also a hereditary disease.
  • Another theory states Causes of Asthma in Children are environmental influences. Which is the risk of modern life. Such as cigarette smoke.
  • Experts say the cause of asthma is a combination of heredity, environmental influences, environmental influences and the pattern of everyday life.
Experts determine the factors triggering asthma attacks are perangandan and overreaction on the child's body. Inflammation is often caused by viruses such as influenza. In patients with asthma, airway narrowing is a response to stimuli that in normal lung will not affect the respiratory tract. This narrowing can be triggered by various stimuli, such as pollen, dust, animal dander, smoke, cold air and exercise.
At an asthma attack, the smooth muscle of the bronchi having seizures and the tissue that lines the airways have swelling due to inflammation (inflammation) and release mucus into the airways. This will reduce the diameter of the airways (called bronchoconstriction), and this narrowing causes the patient must exert every effort in order to breathe.
Certain cells in the airways, especially mast cells thought to be responsible for the beginning of this constriction. Mast cells along the bronchi releasing materials such as histamine and leukotrienes that lead to:
  • Smooth muscle contraction
  • Increased formation of mucus
  • Transfer of certain white blood cells into the bronchi.
Mastocyte issuing such materials in response to something they know as foreign bodies (allergens) such as pollen, fine dust contained in the home or fur. But asthma can also occur in some people without any specific allergies. The same reaction occurs if the person doing sports or being in cold weather. Stress and anxiety can also trigger the release of histamine and leukotrienes. Other cells that eosinophils are found in the airways of asthmatics release other materials (also leukotrienes), which also causes narrowing of the airways. Cause Asthma In Children can also be caused by the high ratio of plasma bilirubin as a result of oxidative stress triggered by oxidants.
Cause of asthma in children who make respiratory disorders and ultimately will affect the constriction of the airways. Triggers cause asthma in children will cause inflammation. Cause of asthma in children some of which are:

Cause of Patient's Asthma Factors :
  1. Aspects due to hereditary factors
  2. Allergic diseases
  3. Airway stimulation sensitive
  4. Sex
  5. As well as racial or ethnic
Cause of Environmental Factors:
  1. Material in the room such as dust and mites and cockroaches animals
  2. Materials such as pollen outdoors flowers and mushrooms
  3. Food certain foods that contain preservatives, contain flavoring and food coloring.
  4. Certain types of drugs
  5. Diamond like perfumes, odors that can stimulate and household spray.
  6. Excessive emotion
  7. Stress
  8. Depression
  9. Cigarette smoke
  10. Air Polui
  11. Infections that occur in the airways
  12. Doing exercise can trigger asthma relapse
  13. Changes in the weather

How to Asthma Preventions in Children

Careful planning and controlling asthma triggers is the best way to Prevent asthma attacks.

Avoid triggers.
As much as possible, avoid allergens and irritants that your doctor identified as asthma triggers.

Ban smoking around your child.
Exposed to tobacco smoke when the baby is the greatest risk of asthma in children, as well as a common trigger of asthma attacks.

Encourage your child to be active.
Throughout your child's asthma can be well controlled, regular physical activity can the make the condition of the lungs work more efficiently.

Have a plan.
Cooperate with your child's doctor to develop a plan for asthma, and the make sure all guards your child - care center, teachers, coaches, and parents of your children's friends - have a copy. Some plan to use a peak flow meter the which can detect a Decrease in lung function before your child have any symptoms, provide important information how to care for your child's asthma from day to day.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Benefits of a Swimming Intervention for Childrens with Asthma

Whoever would not like it if their activities disrupted because of respiratory disorders. As one of the diseases that attack the respiratory organs, asthma requires prudence of the sufferer to avoid relapse. To overcome asthma, various types of healing has been suggested ranging from special medicines to treatment. One of the highly recommended therapy is a healing asthma to swim.

Healing Asthma With Swim As An Alternative Therapies

Although the healing therapy of asthma with many suggested swimming activity, not a few are still wondering about the association of asthma with swimming. Recurrence of asthma can be triggered by a variety of factors, ranging from pollution to fatigue. This has raised questions, because swimming requires a lot of energy. If making tired, perhaps it did not cure asthma by swimming.

People with asthma are not recommended doing strenuous activities or exercise. However, not all sports can not be done by people with asthma. Unlike basketball that require speed running, swimming and cycling does not need to be done with quick movements, so that it can be done by people with asthma. Pool has been known as a good exercise for breathing, as well as cure asthma with swimming To know more clearly the benefits of swimming to cure asthma, here is how it works.

Benefits Healing Asthma With Swim

Healing asthma are advised not to swim without reason. Ryang movements done while swimming can provide relaxation and breathing muscles. When swimming, chest, shoulder, shoulder and belly are required to work. With movements in the healing pool with swim asthma, respiratory organs are better trained and more regular breathing rhythm. Moreover, swimming also burn calories in the body.

Swimming position also had a hand in healing asthma to swim. A straight body position can affect the air circulation in the lungs. Asthma is caused in part by the load in the lung circulation. With body position while swimming, the load can be reduced. Not only that, the air pressure in the water making breathing rhythm is controlled asthmatics.

Not only useful positions and movements required while swimming, swim cure asthma with suggested also because the air around the pool. According to the study, the air that is about 10 cm above the water surface has very high humidity, which is up to 94%. Kambunhnya asthma is generally triggered by dry air which causes evaporation of the lungs. Therefore, the air humidity is high enough good for the respiratory organs asthmatics.

To support the healing of asthma by swimming, the sport should not be done too often. For people with asthma, swimming can be done as much as about 3 times a week with a range of 1 to 2 hours. This exercise should be done regularly every week so that the muscles and breathing rhythm continues trained. Thus, so can be used as an outdoor alternatives to drugs from doctors to support a cure asthma.